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Trust No Bitch 3: Deadly Alliance Page 14

  I miss you, ma.

  Kiam pulled up in Ms. Combs’ driveway and stepped down from his truck with his hand inside his coat and his eyes alert. As usual cars were parked up and down the street but he saw no danger lurking from behind them.

  The sky was as dark as coffee without cream and the moon looked down on him like an one-eyed man who had seen it all. The worst of winter had passed and the snow had begun to melt. Kiam moved quickly to the door and rang the bell.

  Once he was inside Ms. Combs hugged him tightly and looked up in his face with a loving stare. “How have you been?” she asked sincerely

  “I’m fine, Ma,” he said as he began removing his coat.

  “I saw the news. I was so worried about you,” she said, taking his coat.

  “Don’t worry I am just handling my business and delivering sad hearts to the families of our enemies.” He took a seat.

  “Baby, I think I may have been wrong about that,” she said, sitting down in her lounge chair. “Faydrah wouldn’t want this, Kiam,” she stated, causing a hard thump in his chest.

  Kiam looked at her. “Ma, they brought this to our door. I'm just stamping it return to sender.”

  “I know baby. But I don’t want nothing worse to come to our door. I believe we have been paid back for our lost.” She put her hand on his knee.

  “I owe her all of their pain.” He placed his hand on top of hers.

  “Don’t lose your soul, Kiam. You are a beautiful man. You have a whole life ahead of you. My daughter would want you to live it.” She looked at him with pleading eyes.

  Kiam internalized her words and the weight of them dropped into the pit of his stomach. “Can I have something to drink?” he asked, feeling the saliva drying on his tongue.

  Ms. Combs patted his hand then got up and headed to the kitchen.

  Kiam’s eyes darted around the living room and in every corner of the room were several pictures of Eyez. On every wall was a reminder of her life and her smile. Her eyes stared back at him and tore into his soul.

  Kiam stood up, put on his coat then reached in his pocket.

  “You leaving already?” asked Ms. Combs, returning with a glass of orange juice.

  “Yes, I have something to take care of.” He accepted the juice and downed it in one gulp.

  “You want more?” She took the glass out of his hand and turned back towards the kitchen.

  “No, Ma, I'm good.” He pulled his hand from his pocket and handed her a stack of crisp one hundred dollar bills.

  Ms. Combs clutched the money in her hand then pulled Kiam into her embrace. “I love you. Please don’t be another news article in my book.” She sobbed against him.

  “I love you too. Just pray for me.” He looked down and saw Trapstar peeking out from behind the couch with his bright eyes as he pulled back from Ms. Combs and headed for the door. The whole experience was haunting.

  “When will I see you again?” she asked, following him to the door.

  “Soon. Lock up, Ma, and turn on the alarm. I’ll call you in the a few days.”

  “Okay,” she said and then did just as she was told. She took a deep breath then felt down in her pocket for the .22 Kiam had given her weeks ago.

  Ms. Combs picked up Trapstar and sat on the couch stroking his fur. She hated that her daughter was gone and she worried that Kiam would die avenging her. “Lord, please protect that boy. I can’t live with myself if he dies giving me what I wanted,” she prayed out loud.

  But the universe was already in motion.


  Kiam drove away from their feeling down. He had lost Faydrah and had yet to be able to move on. His crew had taken hits and all of the grand plans he had when he walked out of prison less than a year ago seemed unimportant now. Big Zo was telling him to make more noise but Kiam knew in his heart that could not possibly be the smartest move right now.

  Why? Kiam wondered.

  He was lost for an answer and his head pounded from trying to come up with one.

  He drove around aimlessly as he reflected on each move that he had made. Victories seemed short-lived in comparison to how long the losses remained with him. No amount of loot, expanse of drug territories or even vengeance could make up for Eyez. Not even for Isaac or the other fallen souljah's. All of their lives were loss riding for him; all of their blood was on his hands.

  “Real muthafuckin’ talk,” Kiam said to himself.

  Most nights he could shoulder the blame on those proverbial broad shoulders of his that made him a force to be reckoned with. But tonight that weight had him in a head lock.

  Kiam decided that he wanted a drink. He needed to toss back a few shots amongst strangers and numb his mind for a minute. That or maybe some stray pussy wouldn't leave him feeling like he had betrayed Faydrah's memory.

  Liquor won out over pootang and a short while later Kiam pulled up at a bar out in Mayfield Heights. He steered into a parking space and deaded the engine. After checking his mirrors he secured his weapon and got out.

  The wind whipped around his head as he hurried to the entrance. Kiam located a seat back in the corner then ordered something tall and strong and headed to the unoccupied table against the back wall. Just as he settled into his seat he looked up and saw something tall and sexy walking through the door. He guzzled half his drink while watching the dark haired, light skin woman with ass for days move to the bar and place her order.

  The woman took her glass by the stem and sipped slowly as she turned down a few dudes that came her way.

  Kiam chuckled at the lame dudes trying to approach her just to get shot down, one by one.

  Slim got up on the stool and pulled off her fur jacket then continued to enjoy her drink. Kiam waved the waitress over to his table and ordered himself another round. Then on second thought he also sent something to the woman at the bar.

  When the drink was put in front of her she looked in the direction that the waitress pointed and smiled when she met eyes with Kiam. She grabbed the drink and her fur and headed to his table.

  “Can I drink this and look at the sexy muthafucka that sent it?” she asked, sitting down not waiting for a response.

  “You spittin’ some hot shit. Can you fuck with a real nigga?”

  “Can you fuck with a real bitch?” She challenged bringing her glass to her full lips.

  “You alone?” Kiam asked, taking his drink down and slamming the glass.

  “I am now but I don’t want to be.” She locked gazes with his.

  “I got something for a bitch that will make her pant loud, reach and grab,” he said, looking at her breast sitting high in her shirt.

  “And I got something that makes a nigga dig long and deep,” she tossed back.

  “Then why we're having this conversation vertical when we should be having it horizontal?” Kiam stood up. He was in an I don’t give a fuck mode and some pussy to go along with it would top off his evening.

  “What you driving?”

  “Dark grey BMW,” she responded.

  “Can you keep up?”

  “You better hope you can keep up,” she said, pulling her coat back on. When she was ready she held out her hand. “My name is Khandi, I'm exotic and tasty.”

  “You can call me Daddy 'cause I’ma take care of that pussy tonight,” Kiam spat that hot shit as he took her hand.

  In the light above the table his eyes settled on the ink on her wrist. “What does that tattoo represent?” he asked out of pure curiosity.

  “Oh this?” She held it up. “It's a Black Mamba. It just means I know how to hold on tight when I ride for a nigga,” she smiled.

  “Well, I hope you're not afraid of heights.”

  “It's like that?”

  “Worse. You ready?”

  “Sure am,” she said, turning around and heading to the door.

  Kiam saw her to the car then jumped in his truck. When he started the engine his phone vibrated in his pocket. He didn’t even check it. Whatever was goi
ng on was gonna wait until he did some shit to erase the feelings that was fucking with his head. Tonight he was going to bury all love and welcome hate. He wanted his heart cold. He knew that once he climbed up outta ol’ girl he would be a different man.

  He sped through the streets looking in his rearview mirror making sure she was still close behind.

  When they got to the light the woman picked up her phone and made the confirmation call.

  “Hello,” Wolfman answered as he brought a blunt to his lips.

  “I got him,” Xyna said, sticking close to Kiam’s bumper. He finally showed up at the old bitch's house just like you predicted and I followed him to a bar out in Mayfield Heights.

  “Where are y'all headed? I'm on my way!”

  “I don't know, baby, but you can relax. I’ll call you after it's done.”

  “Xyna, don't fuck around with that nigga. Remember he's a killah too so don't slip. As soon as he lets his guard down take his ass out and get out of there. You hear me?” Wolfman cautioned.

  “I got you, baby,” she said then disconnected the call.

  When they pulled in front of his condo Kiam looked around then jumped out. Xyna quickly jumped out her car as well. She hurried up his walkway and stood behind him as he fumbled with his keys. Her gun was halfway out when the headlights of an approaching car lit up the area. Xyna eased the gun back inside her purse. Damn, she would have to go inside and rock his ass to sleep.

  Kiam opened the door then hit the alarm. Xyna came inside and pulled her coat closed, it was just as cold inside as it was outside. She eyed all the boxes that were still scattered about the living room and hallway.

  “Make yourself at home,” he said, turning up the heat.

  “Thank you.” she took off her coat and shivered a bit.

  “Don’t worry that ass will be on fire in just a few minutes,” he said, throwing off his coat and taking her by the waist.

  “You don’t want to have something to drink first?” She was still hoping to get a chance to murk him without having to put out.

  “I’ma give you something to drink but it’s going to be from a kneeling position,” he said, continuing to push her up the stairs to his room.

  Again his phone went off and again he ignored it as he pulled off his hoodie and stepped out his boots.

  Xyna played it cool when she saw him take the gun from his waistband. She resigned herself to sleeping with him but as soon as he nutted he was going to be coming and going at the same time.

  “Take your clothes off,” he rushed her.

  She pulled her shirt off and slid her pants down while keeping her eyes on his steel. She swallowed her spit and took in a little air then smiled. “You only need one piece of steel when you fuck with a real bitch,” she said, releasing her breast from her bra.

  Kiam placed his gun down on the nightstand. “I thought you were thirsty,” he said as he whipped out that grown man.

  Xyna cut her eyes over to her purse which she had sat on the bed. She thought about reaching for her heat now but decided that it was too risky. She would get him good and comfortable first.

  She went to her knees, wrapped her hand around his girth and guided the head into her mouth. Kiam peered down on her as she took him to the back of her throat. That shit felt so good he rose up on his toes.


  Lissha zipped through the streets tracing all of the steps she thought Kiam would take but every spot she went to turned up empty. She kept calling his phone but got no answer. She was beyond worried at this point.

  By the time she got to Bayonna’s house Lissha was near hysterics. “Kiam left and I don't know where he's gone to. He's not answering his phone or nothing,” she nervously reported.

  JuJu jumped up and got dressed. Bay was putting on her clothes too, getting strapped. “No, li'l mama, you stay here and hold shit down in case he comes here,” instructed JuJu.

  When they drove off Lissha went in one direction and JuJu went in the other. Lissha drove looking everywhere she thought he might have gone. When she kept striking out tears started to run down her face; her worst fear seemed like it was coming true.

  Out of options, Lissha decided to go look for him at his house again. She made a U-turn in the middle of the street and took off towards Brentwood where Kiam had moved.


  Kiam looked down on Xyna as she tried her hardest to make him come. Her jaw felt like it was about to lock. She moved back and let him slip from her mouth.

  “I wanna make you come,” she whined, stroking his dick in her hand.

  “Then let me finish talking to your tonsils,” Kiam said with his brow wrinkled and nostrils flared.

  Xyna realized that the man she thought was going to be an easy mark was going to be hard to make bend. She wanted him flat on his back with his eyes closed before she dared reach in her purse for her gun.

  She took Kiam back in her mouth and began trying every trick she knew.


  Lissha sped down the blocks close to his house praying all the way. When she pulled up and saw his truck she was slightly relieved until she saw the grey BMW parked behind it. This muthafucka laying up in some pussy while I'm worried sick about his ass.

  She chided herself for thinking like that. What if a nigga had him duct taped up in there?

  Heat surged through her body and her palms started sweating on the steering wheel. Lissha grabbed her gun, clacked one in the chamber and jumped out. She moved swiftly and with caution as she walked up to Kiam's door then began ringing the bell.

  “Fuck,” Kiam scoffed when he heard the doorbell ringing. The way shit was going he wondered if he would ever get to bust a nut.

  Only close members of his team knew where he rested so it had to be one of them at the door and it had to be urgent the way they were leaning on the bell.

  Letting out a sigh of frustration Kiam pulled back, but Xyna grabbed his ass with both hands and defied her gag reflexes as she tried to keep him deep in her throat.

  “Hold up,” he said, pushing her head back and trying to force his steel in his pants before grabbing his banger off of the nightstand and going to the door.

  Xyna stood up and slipped her clothes back on. She quickly grabbed her purse and tiptoed behind him down the steps.

  When Kiam opened the door Lissha's eyes went from his smug face down to what had his zipper poking out like a tent. She bit down on her lip trying to stop herself from slapping a spark out of his no good ass. Here she was worried to death over him and he was laid up in some ass for real!

  Not only that, she was doing everything she could to make things right and to show him that she truly loved him and—and. The thought was too much to bear. Lissha looked up at him with teary eyes and gritted teeth. “You trifling ass muthafucka!” she spat as she raised her gun.

  “Fuck you talking about?” He reached for her arm while Lissha looked over his shoulder and saw concrete proof of what had him rocked up.

  As she peered at her competition, recognition sat in and her eyes grew wide. Xyna!

  The Black Mamba had just slipped something long and shiny out of her purse and it was aimed at Kiam's back.

  “Watch out!” Lissha screamed and pushed him out of the way.

  In the next instant gunshots shattered the quiet of night. Lissha's whistle whirred and Xyna's banger hummed. Boc! Boc! Boc! Blocka! Blocka! Blocka!

  A bullet parted Lissha's hair and another one slammed into the door frame just inches from her head. Her shots missed Xyna entirely but she was a pro and Xyna was not. Lissha's trigger finger remained steady while Xyna panicked in the heat of return gunfire. Her aim faltered worse as she frantically hopped from side to side trying to dodge steel jacketed bullets that came at her in a burst of accuracy. And now it was two guns against one because Kiam was letting loose on her ass from the floor. Boc! Boc! Boc! Boc! Boc! Boc! Boc!

  Xyna's head burst open like a pinatã as some of that heat from Lissha's fo-fo
struck her in the center of her forehead. Two successive shots from Kiam's whistle hit her high in the chest and knocked her backwards as blood splashed all over the furniture and her body smacked the floor.

  “I'm fuckin' LiLi, bitch!” Lissha exalted.

  Kiam tattered Xyna's body with three more shots then he climbed to his feet and snatched Lissha all the way inside the house and slammed the door.

  “What the fuck?” he said, looking from her to Xyna's bullet riddled body sprawled out in his living room.

  Lissha dropped her gun and slapped the shit out of him. “Do you know who that was?” she cried.

  “Fuck is your muthafuckin’ problem,” he spat.

  Lissha pushed him in the chest. “That bitch is Wolfman’s girl.” Blood trickled down her face and mixed with her tears. “You could've been dead.” She broke down crying.

  “A'ight, ma, calm down.” Kiam wrapped his arms around her and let her bawl against his chest as he thanked her for saving his life.

  The all too familiar sound of police sirens nearing drowned out her sobs and snapped her back into rider mode. “Kiam, you have to go. Hurry, grab all of your guns and go out the back door. You're a convicted felon, they'll send you back to prison. I got this,” she said.

  Kiam looked at her. “I'm a G about mines. Fuck it, I can do another bid.” He spoke through drunken lips.

  “Kiam go!” Lissha yelled at him. “Please.”

  The sirens were getting closer. Kiam snapped out of his moment of insanity.

  Kiam grabbed her face with both hands and kissed her hard. “Much love, ma,” he said. Then he dashed through the house snatching up the guns that had bodies on them. By the time the police knocked on the front door Kiam had vanished out of the back.

  Chapter 24

  Murder Was The Case

  Kiam hiked almost ten blocks before finding a 24 hour convenient store. His feet and hands were nearly frost bitten and on top of that he was worried about Lissha. Not only had she saved his life, she had remained at the house willing to take a body charge. He had to give Lissha her props, she was a down ass bitch.