Trust No Bitch 3: Deadly Alliance Read online
Page 13
“The die is already cast, ma. We just gotta make the days we have left and all the sacrifices we made to be at the top worth every second,” JuJu said as if he was reading her thoughts.
Emotion took over Bayonna’s whole body and the tears cascaded down her cheeks fast as small sobs left her lips. The weight of her decisions had finally caught up with her.
JuJu held her close and allowed her to let it all go. She put her head back against his chest and released what felt like years of pain. JuJu turned her to face him, he placed his hand under her chin and softly stated. “Baby, we were born G's. And gangstas don't live long. Being able to share a part of my life with you means that I will leave this muthafucka with no regrets.” He kissed her passionately on the lips.
Bayonna opened her mouth and allowed their tongues to sensually dance. The honesty in his kiss guilted her, but the things he didn't know that she could not tell him made her sadder.
Bayonna knew that JuJu's love for her was real but she wasn't exactly who he thought she was. She slid her hand in his and tenderly caressed the hideous scar that confirmed her deception. One day soon it would all come out, she was certain of that. Circumstances would not allow it to remain hidden for much longer.
Bayonna's heart ached for what she knew the truth would do to him. At the same time, his arms around her made her want the charade to go on forever because it felt so good. “I need you to make love to me.” she whispered through her tears.
JuJu pulled her close and walked her toward the bedroom removing her clothes along the way.
When Bayonna's body settled between the sheets she reached up and grabbed him behind his head as his thickness rested against her pussy, causing instant wetness.
“I love you, Bay,” he whispered as he fed her an inch at a time.
“I love you too,” she moaned as his slow stroke set her on fire.
Soft kisses and slow deep strokes sent chills all throughout Bayonna's body. Tears rolled from the corners of her eyes as JuJu answered the call from her soul. She held him tightly as he gently ran his tongue over her nipples. With every stroke she released a painful piece of her spirit. It seemed like she had been running for so long, but today she was going to be still and let JuJu have every part of her.
Lissha moved around her kitchen loading the dishwasher and preparing the plates for dinner. Kiam had been at her house the past two days just laying low and she was happier than a preacher watching the collection plate spill over with tithes.
Lately she had kept herself attached to him like a third arm, trying to protect him and make up for the bullshit that she had helped initiate. She looked in the oven and the aroma of her baked Ziti with spicy Italian sausages invaded her nostrils, causing her stomach to growl.
“I am about to fuck this up,” she said, sliding on her oven mitts and pulling out her dish resting it on top the stove.
She placed a few pieces of garlic bread in the oven then put the salad into two bowls. Lissha danced around the kitchen snapping her fingers to Drunk in Love as she prepared the plates.
Kiam came down the hall in his baggy shorts and a t-shirt rubbing the creamy lotion on his arms. A smile came to his face when he saw how clean and organized the house was coupled with the aromas from the kitchen almost made life seem normal.
Unconsciously Kiam’s eyes glued themselves to the back of Lissha’s tight boy shorts as she bent over to pull the bread from the oven. He quickly checked himself for lusting before entering the kitchen. “You need to put some clothes on,” he said half seriously. He roughly moved her aside.
“Stop, boy,” Lissha shouted, hitting Kiam’s arm as he took a seat at the table.
“What you in there hooking up?” he asked, propping his feet up in a chair across from him.
“Something that will make your mouth water. I have to show you how a real bitch get down since you were talking shit the last time I had you in the kitchen.” She sauntered over to the table with his plate of Ziti, garlic bread and a bowl of spinach salad with homemade dressing.
“Yeah ‘cause you were trying to feed a nigga oodles of noodles. Then gave me some cereal.” He leaned forward allowing the delicious steam to caress his nose. “This smell good as hell.” He picked up his fork.
“You better not,” she scolded.
“What?” he wrinkled his brow.
“Don’t be rude. Let me get mine and you gotta say your grace, you heathen,” Lissha joked.
“God has been done with me for a very long time,” he spoke matter-of-factly.
“Don’t be like that Kiam. Even though most of the time we be on some bullshit, I believe He still loves and protects us.” She looked in his eyes as she sat her plate on the table.
Kiam's face was stone. He didn’t protect Eyez.
“I’ll say it.” Lissha took Kiam by the hand and bowed her head. “Lord, we pray that you bless this meal and protect the hands that prepared it as well as the one that it is shared with. We thank you for all of your many blessings. Amen.” She released his hand and smiled at him. “See that didn’t hurt.” She grabbed her fork and began to dig in.
“Sometimes you shock the hell outta me,” Kiam said as he too began to dig in. As soon as the flavors collided on his taste buds he closed his eyes and chewed slowly.
“Yeah, say my name, don’t even front I got that ass open now.” Lissha rocked her shoulders.
“It’s a’ight,” Kiam said, taking another big mouthful.
“You are so full of hate,” Lissha joked, shaking her head.
Kiam laughed as he continued to dig in. Lissha was content chomping away with her feet up in the chair. She got up and retrieved them a glass of Sprite and gin on ice.
“Your conniving ass is up to something,” Kiam gagged, taking a few swigs of his drink as she collected their dishes.
“Ain’t nobody thinking about you.” Lissha moved from the table back to the kitchen.
Kiam downed his drink and sat the glass down and asked for another one. Lissha filled his glass then went to put up the food and load the rest of the dishes and start the dishwasher. Kiam downed his second drink then moved to the living room and turned on the television. He kicked his feet up resting his head back. He was full and beginning to feel the slight effects of his drinks.
Lissha walked over and took a seat beside him still nursing the first drink she poured herself. “I wasn’t going to bring this up but I think I need to.” She paused and sat her glass down.
“What’s up?” he turned the volume down on ESPN and looked in her direction.
“That was a real close call at the restaurant. We all could have been laid the fuck out. What happened when you came out? Why did you freeze up like that with that lady?”
Kiam took a deep breath and reflected on the events of that night then he weighed in on them. “I didn’t thank you but I know I owe you. You, Treebie and Bay really came through for a nigga and I'm grateful for that. I still can't believe how y'all was up in there disguised and shit,” he chuckled.
“Thanks Kiam but I asked what made you freeze up like that with ol' girl? That wasn't like you.”
“I saw something in that woman’s eyes that I have not seen in almost twenty years.” He stopped his tongue before all of his emotions came rushing back.
“What did you see?” Lissha spoke softly.
“I saw my mother,” he confessed then turned back to the television.
“Do you want to talk about your mother?” she offered.
“Nah, I'm good,” he declined.
“Okay, Kiam, I didn’t mean to pry,” Lissha comforted as she rubbed his arm.
“It’s all good,” he said before having a change mind. “I always wanted to know what happened to her. I use to stare at every brown skin woman that resembled her in any way. I kept hoping that the next one would be her but it never was so I gave up looking. That night was the first time I saw eyes that looked just like hers,” he said then got quiet.
r /> “It will be fine, Kiam.” Lissha tried to comfort him. Her heart was breaking for him, it seemed like he had lost everyone that he ever loved.
Being alone with him had allowed her to see inside of the beast that the streets demanded that he be. She saw that when he put his banger on the shelf he was so much more than what met the naked eye. He could be silly, caring, introspective and witty as hell.
Lissha wished that she had a giant eraser; in one smooth stroke she would expunge everything that had ever hurt him, including her transgressions against him.
Her guilt slammed into her stomach like a fist. “I’ma let you watch your game,” she spoke tenderly then stood up.
“Nah, chill with me for a little while.” Kiam looked up at her glossy eyes. “I know you ain’t getting soft on me, killah.” He smiled trying to ease her mood.
Lissha reluctantly sat back down. “I’ma stay for a minute but I ain’t trying to watch no damn game.” She tried to switch the mood.
“What you want to watch? Some crybaby shit?” he teased.
“No, I got Scandal saved on my DVR.” she brightened up and reached for the remote.
“I’m not watching that bullshit.” Kiam tried to grab the remote from her hands.
“Stop if you want me to stay you have to compromise.” She held the remote out of his reach.
Kiam continued to grab at it and before long they were laughing and tussling. Kiam pulled Lissha on his lap as he tried to get the remote from behind her back. Kiam bit into her arm causing the remote to fall to the floor.
“Ouch, boy. Oh, you wanna fight dirty?” Lissha grabbed Kiam by the back of his head and bit hard into his neck.
“Stop, a’ight, let got,” Kiam tried to get Lissha off of him.
“Move your hands,” Lissha said through clinched teeth and bit a little harder.
Kiam put his hands up as if he was under arrest. “A’ight let go.”
“Say sorry.” She squeezed his skin between her teeth.
“I’ma fuck you up.”
As Kiam reached towards her face Lissha bit harder. Kiam’s hands shot back up in the air.
“What you gonna do?” she taunted.
“Nothing, let go.”
“Nope. This is payback, baby boy. Say you're sorry.” She clenched her teeth tighter.
“A’ight. Damn, sorry, now let go,” he relented.
Lissha eased up a little then sucked gently on the spot to lessen the pain.
“You better run when you let me go,” Kiam warned.
Lissha took full advantage of the moment and positioned herself perfectly on his dick as she continued to suck on his neck.
Kiam felt his boy waking up but he wasn't quite ready to give in to his lust. Every time he thought about it memories of the true love that he'd shared with Eyez made him pull back. “Why are you always tryna start trouble?” he asked, resting his hands on Lissha's thighs while he fought an internal tug-of-war.
“I wanna be in trouble,” she moaned as she felt his dick rock up between her thighs.
Lissha released his neck from her grip then began nibbling on the other side. Kiam closed his eyes and tried to block out the guilt.
It had been months since he had felt the velvety softness off a woman's center; that warm place that could hold a man and allow him to release his worries. Kiam knew that no woman on Earth could ever welcome him into her essence like Eyez had, but he could not remain celibate forever. Life had to go on.
It took everything in him to accept that but he did. And when Lissha felt him giving in to his desires she pressed her soft body against his and whispered what she truly felt. “I want you so bad, baby.”
Kiam ran his hand between her legs. When he slipped his finger in the side of her shorts and felt her wetness, Lissha let out a cry.
“Lift up,” he whispered.
Lissha was already dizzy but she moved to his command, allowing him to pull off her shorts.
Kiam looked at how fat and juicy her pussy looked in her panties and his mouth watered. He nibbled on her erect nipples as he placed his middle finger on her clit and circled slowly.
“Kiam I need you,” she moaned just as his fingers pushed inside of her.
“I know. We both need this right now.” He lifted her up and laid between her legs.
They were both on fire and wanted to be free of everything that was going on around them. Their hands and tongues were all over the place. It was like they were teenagers sneaking and dry humping while their parents were away from home.
Kiam pulled out and prepared his mind to handle his business. He was ready to drill and her pussy was welcoming him with wet lips.
Lissha pulled her thong to the side and awaited his intense push. Kiam grabbed his dick firmly in his hand and put it right where she so badly wanted him.
Lissha tensed up as she felt the swollen head entering her opening. Kiam pulled back and pushed in sending heat from her toes to her eyebrows.
“Oh, baby,” she cried out in ecstasy.
Kiam pulled all the way back ready to play in her tightness but his stroke was stopped by a familiar ringtone. Lissha and Kiam's heads snapped to the side simultaneously. They looked over at the coffee table breathing heavily and feeling like they were busted.
“Hell no, I'm not answering it,” she said. She wrapped her thighs around Kiam and tried to hold him there but the moment was lost.
“This is like the third time a call has stopped us,” Kiam recollected. “It must not be meant to be.” He unwrapped her legs from around him and sat up.
“Ughhh,” Lissha screamed. She snatched the phone off of the table and hit the call button. “Hello!”
“What’s up? Is that the tone I get from you now?” Big Zo’s stern voice boomed through the speaker.
“No, Daddy.” She quickly adjusted her attitude.
“Listen closely because it's time to make our move. Do you hear me?”
“Yes, Daddy. I’m paying attention.”
Lissha looked over at Kiam and turned her head away while Big Zo gave her instructions that she had no intentions on following.
“Once we set this in motion you're going to have to fall back so you won't go down with that nigga. Do you understand?” Big Zo concluded. There was not a trace of regret in his voice and that made Lissha sick to her fuckin' stomach. She wanted to spit through the phone dead on his face but she had to play it cool.
“I understand everything perfectly well.” Sarcasm dripped off of her reply. Wanting him to face the man that he had mentored behind slimy intents Lissha said, “Daddy, Kiam is right here. Would you like to speak to him?”
“Bitch, don't play with me!” he snapped, but Lissha was already handing the phone to Kiam.
“What’s good Pop?” Kiam asked as Lissha got up off of the couch.
“I saw the city on the national news.” Big Zo remarked as thoughts of Kiam fucking Lissha caused his voice to tremble with suppressed rage.
“Yeah, but things are quiet now.”
“That's not the right move. Keep it hot and strike while those other muthafuckaz are tucking their tails. Men like us never let up.”
Kiam lifted an eyebrow and sat listening to Big Zo as he rattled off several instructions and coded directives to the way he wanted him to carry out the next phase of the mission.
Lissha pulled her shorts back up and put her breast back in place as she sat down trying to read the stone look on Kiam’s face.
“Yeah a’ight, let me give you back to Lissha.” Kiam passed the phone to her and stood up and walked down the hall to the bedroom.
Lissha put the phone to her ear. “What else, Daddy?” she asked dryly.
“What else?” he mocked. “I'll tell you what else. Kiam is not a boss. I control that pussy nigga without him even realizing it. So don't get it in your head that he can replace me. I told you a long time ago that I'm often imitated but never duplicated.” His arrogance spilled out in torrents.
Lissha couldn't
say what she wanted to. You ain't no boss, you're a bitch ass nigga that can't do your time like the true gangsta I used to think you were.
“I hear you,” she mumbled.
“Good,” Big Zo roared. “Now spit that do-boy's dick out of your mouth and handle your business or I'm gonna have a muthafucka bust something down your throat other than Kiam's nut.” Big Zo hung up the phone.
When Kiam returned Lissha was just holding the phone staring at it.
“You straight?” Kiam asked, coming from the back suited up in all black. He threw on his thick goose down.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine. Where you going?” Lissha asked, rising to her feet.
“I gotta make some runs,” he moved to the door. “Stay in the house and be on alert.”
“Let me go with you. You don’t need to be out there alone Kiam,” she pleaded
“I got this.” He needed time to think.
“Kiam call me when you’re on your way back,” Lissha said, sounding worried beyond reason.
“Stop tripping. I told you I got this.” He grabbed his whistle off of the table and checked the clip. It was fully loaded. “I got sixteen muthafuckaz rolling with me tonight,” he boasted.
“Just be careful,” she said as he turned to walk out the door.
“You too,” he replied as the door slammed closed.
Kiam checked the area then jumped in his truck and pulled out.
Chapter 23
Sirens In The Night
After running through the trap spots Kiam parked a block over from Bayonna’s and stopped in on JuJu. He gave him some information and just like that he was out again.
JuJu did the same song and dance Lissha did but Kiam turned him down as well, he needed to be alone with his thoughts. Plus he knew if it was his time to go it didn’t matter if he was alone or with a crowd. His ticket would get punched.
Kiam drove in silence as he headed to see Ms. Combs. He hadn't been to check on her in close to two weeks. Riding down East 131st Kiam turned onto Benwood. The street held many memories of him and Faydrah hustling on the block. He could almost see her holding her strap down by her side, ready to clap a fool, while he served them through the window of their car.